What is Twitter trends?
Twitter Trends is a list of words and topics being discussed on Twitter. They’re based on the number of tweets containing these terms, and they can change quickly. The list is refreshed every time you open the app, so it’s constantly changing as new conversations start.
People take to Twitter daily to engage in conversations about what’s happening in the world in real-time. And, for that, one of the best-known features of Twitter to follow and participate in these conversations is the Trending Topics, or Tendencias, as we call them in Spanish.
Where can I find the Twitter Trends?
Available in the Explore tab (magnifying glass icon or #Explore) in the Twitter app and on the Twitter.com home page, Trending helps you discover the hottest topics right now.
How are trends determined?
Trends are determined by an algorithm that, by default, identifies the most popular topics at a specific time. The list of topics that are Trending is dynamic and based on people’s activity on Twitter. To define Trends, this algorithm considers a series of variables: the number of Tweets related to the topic is only one of the factors evaluated when classifying and determining a Trend.
To inhibit attempts to manipulate the Trends, Twitter does not disclose all the variables considered by the algorithm. Through the algorithm, Trends and Hashtags are grouped as they are related to the same topic. For example, #HappyMonday and #GoodMonday can be represented by #HappyMonday.
How do I choose what to tweet?
Twitter Trends are not curated by humans, so the topics you see in the list change over time based on what users like to tweet about in your area. To help you find new things to talk about, we recently added some new search options! These include:
- “Tweets from now” – shows tweets posted within the last hour (updated every five minutes)
- “Tweets from me” – shows only your own tweets (updated every 30 seconds)
Ways to visualize Trends
Trends can be displayed in any of the following ways:
- Based on the location you choose.
- In a personalized way, based on who you follow, their interests, and their location.
That means different people are likely to see different Trends.
To set up how you prefer to see your Trends, see this tutorial.
How do you see what is trending on Twitter?
If you want to see what’s trending on Twitter, the easiest way is to go to the top of the page and click on the Trends tab. You will be taken to a page listing all of the most popular topics right now.
If you click on any topic, you’ll see a list of tweets related to that topic. You can also click on any tweet in this list and see its original tweet (as well as all other related tweets).
What is a Promoted Trend?
A promoted trend is a tweet that is sponsored by an advertiser. The advertiser pays for the promoted trend, and Twitter then promotes it for them. Promoted trends show up in the list of top trends and are labeled as “promoted” next to the title.
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Look for topics that interest you.
When you choose a topic, look for any questions that have been asked recently or are being asked frequently. These are the type of questions you should answer. If there don’t seem to be any frequent questions on the topic, it’s okay! Just make sure to answer your own question in a way that makes sense and is easy to understand so people can find it again later if they want to learn more about it.
Keep tabs on what’s happening in the news.
The Twitter Trends tab is a great way to keep tabs on what’s happening in the news. The Trending column shows you what people around the world are talking about right now and can help you discover news as it happens. If you’re looking for something specific, use the Search box or explore topics that interest you at [Twitter].
When there are breaking stories or trending topics happening, they’ll show up here so you know exactly where people are talking about them. If there’s something going on that interests you, follow along!
Understand conversations about larger events.
Twitter trends can help you understand the news, what’s going on, and what people are talking about or interested in.
Understanding a topic, event or even just a hashtag is essential to understanding the context of conversations with your followers.
Twitter trends can be a fun and interesting way to learn about what’s happening in the world around you.
Twitter trends can be a fun and interesting way to learn about what’s happening in the world around you. If you want to stay up-to-date on current events, trending topics are an easy way to do it.
How can a Trend from one country appear on the lists of others?
It is possible that a trend from another country appears among yours. Topics of global interest, such as presidential elections, international movements, sporting events, and award ceremonies can arise both in one country and globally.
Additionally, in the event that there are not enough Trends for a given location, Twitter supplements the list with topics from a broader area, including international and global Trends. For example, if there are not enough Trends for a certain city, the list is complemented with topics related to the closest one, and so on. The same can happen with countries – in the event that a particular country does not have a sufficient number of Trends, your list can be supplemented with global or international Trends.
Measures to protect Trends
Aware of the possible interest in manipulating the Trends, it is important to note that Twitter has been adopting several measures to protect them from interference, such as the exclusion of automated Tweets in the calculation of Trends. On the other hand, the Twitter Rules establish that its use for the purpose of sending spam is not allowed.